The IB Lab ZOO

Automated, quantitative, standartized analysis of medical images.

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What our customers say:

Jack Farr - Orthopedist

ImageBiopsy AI software is highly accurate and efficient within our PACS system, which provides valuable information on the status of the knee along the continuum of chondrosis to arthrosis.

Jack Farr, MD

The integration of the AI ​​solutions by ImageBiopsy Lab into our RIS and PACS is easy and well done. It is fun to work with and the clarity of the visualized report is an ideal support for our patient consultation.

Jochen Mueller-Stromberg, MD

AI-based solutions reduce the amount of work and the findings become more accurate. An objective value is given which can be used both for monitoring and forecasting the progress. We offer something that others don’t have.

Michael Gruber, MD

Exact diagnosis and reproducible follow-up exams are indispensable for a successful osteoarthritis therapy. Software-based methods can assist the physician in the therapy management and adjustment process.

Prof. Jochen Hofstätter, MD